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Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1993 15:15:54 -0400 (EDT)
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Organization: University of North Carolina at Asheville
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From: "Joseph E. Van_Riper III" <JVANRIPER@UNCA.EDU>
To: amigae@bkhouse.cts.com
Subject: Re: $VER and Workbench Searchpaths
Barry D. Wills typed:
|The Installer doc uses the version string: "$VER: Installer_Dev 1.26
|(22.4.93)" in which date appears to me to be (D.M.YY).
I think I'll yield to that. No more of these wierd, extended VER strings.
|Also, she states: "If [you] plan to ship only an Installer script and icon,
|and wish it to also work under 1.3, then change the default tool to
|SYS:Utilities/Installer (1.3 Workbench does not search paths)." So 1.3 users
|are S.O.L.
My question was a little different, though. I'm trying to find out the search
path for a program that ISN'T Installer. That is, I'm running a program from
an icon (any ol' program), and I want that program to have the search path that
Workbench is using. How do I get that? I don't see any convenient way to
handle it yet.
Y'see, my program accepts an argument to execute a command from within it
(specifically, my program is a fortune-cookie program, and I am trying to write
something that will pass a command such as 'more' through to it, so people can
view the resulting fortune through more.. or muchmore, or a text editor, or
whatever they want to do with it). When called from CLI, the spawned CLI
process gets the same path that the current one has, so I don't have to search
for it in any way.. AmigaDOS handles it for me. But, when called from an Icon,
my program doesn't have a search-path passed to it (even though Workbench
itself has a search path within IT, through which it finds the programs it
needs to run). I haven't found a way to get that searchpath.
Does anyone know?
- Trey